Greenhouse on Grant Street

Watch a building contractor and a librarian/writer, Yuppie scum who should know better, rescue an abandoned urban greenhouse in Buffalo, NY and launch an organic herb business

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Media should spotlight Grant Street neighborhood

So as not to violate copyright by reproducing the whole thing without her permission, here is the best paragraph from Julia Wilkins' letter to the Buffalo News, December 10, 2004:

"So why doesn't this location get more attention? I suspect it is because the inhabitants are primarily poor, working-class people, not the people the small business owners of Elmwood Village consider profitable clientele. However, if this dynamic neighborhood received more of the attention it deserves, business owners would realize that there is a huge untapped market in those who enjoy a more diverse shopping environment."

Sunday, December 05, 2004

It's Really Green Now

Today's photos show the green paint we applied last month, plus the cool brick storefront building to the south, recently purchased by our favorite architect, Kathy. In the time-honored urban tradition of mixed-use, it will be her office and other things. That is Vince's electric car, a GEM, parked in front.

I guess the Yuppie invasion has begun.