Greenhouse on Grant Street

Watch a building contractor and a librarian/writer, Yuppie scum who should know better, rescue an abandoned urban greenhouse in Buffalo, NY and launch an organic herb business

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The Greenhouse Gets Political

In yet another pathetic attempt to distract our neighbors on Grant and readers of this blog from our lack of actual, you know, progress at the greenhouse, we offer a political diversion. BuffaloGreenhouse is increasingly impressed by the candidacy of Judy Einach for mayor of Buffalo. Sick of candidates who are machine-made? Beholden to the BenderCiminellAdinos of Buffalo? Check out Judy's website.

Hint for newbies: Blogger lets us use a header, as in "Greenhouse Gets Political," as a link to a website. Aim your mouse up there.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Shiny New Bridges

We interrupt our regularly scheduled and apparently notorious (as I learned at tonight's first ever Buffalo Blogger "Convention" at the Anchor Bar) blogging idleness to bring you a completely non-greenhouse link. Here are pictures of the new Grant Street bridges, less than a mile north of the greenhouse. I'm glad to see artists get work and aesthetics taken seriously, but pretty bridges do not alter the destructive effect that expressways have on neighborhoods.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Still chipping away

No pun intended. Vince recently cut down some trees that were growing into the foundation or in prime growing spots. Then he rented a chipper and now we have wood ships galore. That hospital smell is wood alcohol being released as they compost.

In the absence of dramatic developments to report, here's a website about urban agriculture. Figures that Canada would devote a government office to it. Meanwhile we just keep subsidizing big, unsustainable agribusiness.

Urban Agriculture Notes

By the way, some hardy violets survived and even bloomed in the tree wells!